SUMMER TIPS FROM Linn Benton Plumbing

Summer is a favorite time of year for many! With so much fun stuff to do, adventures to go on, trips to take, pools to fill and much more who wouldn’t love it. It also gives you the perfect weather for making repairs and taking care of some stuff that you have been putting off. Summertime can also put extra stress on your pipes that you may not know about. Here are some summertime tips for caring for your Plumbing!


When school is out that means more use on your pipes, a lot more! If you have kids you know that they are constantly going to the bathroom… and using way more toilet paper. One 5 year old seems to use the same amount of TP as 10 grown men. With all of this extra stress on the pipes it is important to teach your kids about safe plumbing practices. One is to remind your children to conserve water. Make sure they know that toilet paper is the only thing they should be flushing down the toilet! Remind them not to put grease or goopy substances down the drain that may clog it up. These are a few great tips for kids during summer, and all year long really.


Make sure that you flush your toilets before you leave on vacation. This will prevent a nasty smell and mess. Another great trip tip is to turn your water heater way down. Why pay to heat up water that your aren’t going to be using? It will save you money on your power or gas bill. It will also give your water heater a hard earned break!


The Wonderful weather makes it the ideal time to plant your garden! However, you must be very careful as to where you dig your garden. You should find out where your sewer, gas, underground power lines are etc. before you start digging. If you hit one of these lines there will be all sorts of issues to contend with. Also, be very cautious of tree placement as their roots will spread. We are all for planting any plant but it’s always better to be safe than sorry!


After all your summer activities what is the first thing that you do when you come home after a hike or a swim? Throw that extra load into the wash! You are really putting your washer and dryer through the wringer this summer (pun intended). So give them the strength to go on and make sure they’re are in good working order. Check their connections, even pull out the basin of your washer and give it a good clean out!


Sometimes the winter weather with Ice and Snow will do a lot of damage, especially to outside pipes that aren’t being used. The first several times that you use your sprinklers inspect them carefully for cracks, rust, leaks, and sometimes even full misdirection. Keeping a close eye early will prevent you for losing lots of water especially if you repair them as soon as possible if necessary!

These are just a few summer tips brought to you by Linn Benton Plumbing, we hope you have a great summer and fall us for any repair you may need!

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Linn Benton Plumbing
Linn Benton Plumbing

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